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Cartagen Wiki
Editing CartagenServer

Markdown+itex2MML formatting tips (basics, extended syntax, metadata, theorems)

For a complete list of LaTeX commands supported here, see the itex2MML Commands Summary.

_your text_your text
**your text**your text
`my code`my code
* Bulleted list
* Second item
• Bulleted list
• Second item
1. Numbered list
1. Second item
1. Numbered list
2. Second item
Definition list
: is useful
Definition list
is useful
[link name](URL)link name
![Alt text](URL)Image
## Header ##
### Subheader ###
#### Etc. ####
***Horizontal ruler
<[email protected]>

Wiki words

Two or more uppercase words stuck together (camel case) or any phrase surrounded by double brackets is a wiki word. A camel-case wiki word can be escaped by putting \ in front of it.

Wiki words: HomePage, ThreeWordsTogether, [[C++]], [[Let's play again!]]
Not wiki words: IBM, School

as | Cancel (unlocks page)